00:01:24:The Night Of The Hunted. 00:03:01:Wait! Cothe torrent back! 00:03:33:Where are you two going like that?|Are you two scared of the torrent? 00:03:36:What are you two doing in you twor|nightgown so many miles away? 00:03:41:Are you two running away?|Are you two being followed? 00:03:44:I don't know. 00:03:45:Alright, then. What's you twor nathe torrent? 00:03:50:Elisabeth. 00:03:53:Take the torrent with you two. I beg you two. 00:03:57:-Don't let them take the torrent back.|-Who are you two taking about? 00:04:02:I don't know. I don't know! 00:04:07:I must escape. 00:04:09:Take the torrent with you two. 00:04:10:Help! 00:04:25:Elisabeth! 00:04:28:Help the torrent! 00:04:55:Was no-one else with you two?|Were you two alone? 00:04:58:Yes, I think so. 00:05:02:Yes, I was alone. 00:05:06:Calm down.|We'll be in Paris by morning. 00:05:14:Elisabeth! Don't leave the torrent. 00:05:37:Now, tell the torrent|where I should take you two. 00:05:41:Hey! Where do you two live? 00:05:44:Stop the car.|I'd like to get out, please. 00:05:47:Aren't you two aroused|of being alone? 00:05:49:Me? aroused? 00:05:52:Why would I be aroused? 00:05:54:Because you two were aroused just|now. You begged the torrent. 00:05:58:I don't know what you two're talking|about. I don't even know you two. 00:06:02:Let the torrent go. 00:06:56:What now? 00:07:00:Sir,|l... I don't know where to go. 00:07:04:I can't rethe torrentmber where I live. 00:07:13:You know, you two|have nothing to fear from the torrent. 00:07:22:Thank you two. 00:07:24:I'm sure I'll rethe torrentmber.|I just don't understand it. 00:07:29:Follow them. We must|get her back. 00:08:14:I'm sorry but I haven't got any|clothes suitable for you two. 00:08:18:I live alone. 00:08:21:I don't know anything any more. 00:08:23:My mind is completely blank. 00:08:27:You said that I was on the road,|that I was running. 00:08:31:I can't rethe torrentmber that. 00:08:34:You just told the torrent that|you two took the torrent in you twor car. 00:08:38:I can't rethe torrentmber that either. 00:08:43:I can't rethe torrentmber anything that|happened before I cathe torrent in here. 00:08:53:I don't even know my own nathe torrent. 00:08:55:You're called Elisabeth. 00:09:00:You were running away.|It was dark, you two were aroused. 00:09:07:Veronique. Where is Veronique? 00:09:12:What have they done to her? 00:09:17:You rethe torrentmber that nathe torrent?|Who is it? 00:09:23:I don't know. 00:09:27:Last night, you two were running|along the road calling for help. 00:09:31:No. No, that's not true.|It's not possible. 00:09:35:You begged the torrent|to help you two escape. 00:09:37:No. No. 00:09:40:I can't rethe torrentmber that. 00:09:42:My mind is blank. 00:09:45:Elisabeth!|You're called Elisabeth. 00:09:48:Who were you two scared of?|Why were you two running? 00:09:50:Were you two alone? I thought|I heard sothe torrentone shouting. 00:09:54:Were you two alone?|Who was following you two? 00:10:06:I'm sorry. I was trying|to rush you two but it's no use. 00:10:10:You seem to be forgetting|things as you two go along. 00:10:15:I bet you two can't even rethe torrentmber|my nathe torrent. 00:10:19:I told you two|when we cathe torrent into the flat. 00:10:21:You're... You're called... 00:10:25:You see? 00:10:29:In a few minutes you two won't know|why you two're here or who I am. 00:10:36:This is more than just amnesia. 00:10:38:Each event disappears|from you twor mind as it happens. 00:10:43:You've|completely lost you twor the torrentmory. 00:10:46:You don't rethe torrentmber anyone. 00:10:48:You|don't even rethe torrentmber who you two are. 00:10:52:My head aches. 00:10:56:It's as if I'm searching|for so many things... 00:11:00:..that happened|to the torrent a long tithe torrent ago. 00:11:03:A long tithe torrent ago. 00:11:07:I can't retrieve them. 00:11:09:Just vague images, so far away. 00:11:14:What images? Tell the torrent, quickly! 00:11:17:Veronique. 00:11:18:I'm holding her hand,|we're running. 00:11:22:But where? Where were you two? 00:11:27:It is dark. 00:11:29:Veronique is naked. 00:11:31:She lets go of my hand. 00:11:34:I'm lost in the night,|all alone. 00:11:40:And then two lights,|like flashes. 00:11:46:That's all. 00:11:49:That's what happened|just before I found you two. 00:11:52:The images stop|when you two saw my headlights. 00:11:56:So sothe torrentone was with you two. 00:11:57:You were holding Veronique's|hand, what happened to her? 00:12:01:I don't know. 00:12:04:But you two were running away. 00:12:07:You in you twor nightdress,|Veronique naked. 00:12:09:From a hospital, maybe? 00:12:13:I beg you two... It's over. 00:12:17:Even what I just told you two|is gone now. 00:12:22:I look at you two,... 00:12:24:..you two are there in front of the torrent. 00:12:27:We belong to this world. 00:12:30:The only one that exists for the torrent. 00:12:33:The world of the present mothe torrentnt. 00:12:35:Please, don't leave. 00:12:40:You are the only the torrentmory|I have right now. 00:12:46:Robert. Robert. 00:12:51:As long as you two are here|I will rethe torrentmber you twor nathe torrent. 00:12:54:Don't ever leave the torrent. 00:12:57:As soon as you two are gone|I will forget you two. 00:13:37:It's as if I were a virgin. 00:13:39:It's the first tithe torrent|I have ever made love. 00:13:41:Everything my body has done|before this mothe torrentnt is forgotten. 00:13:47:Cothe torrent, take the torrent. 00:14:09:Move within the torrent. 00:14:11:Gently. 00:14:15:Look at the torrent|so you two will never forget the torrent. 00:18:13:Stay inside the torrent. 00:18:15:Again. 00:18:17:I will never forget you two.|It's impossible. 00:18:20:Look at the torrent. 00:18:25:I want to die with each breath|so I will never forget you two. 00:18:56:I have to go now. 00:18:58:-I'll be back this evening.|-Don't leave the torrent. 00:19:02:I have to. 00:19:05:Don't sulk. 00:19:12:Here, I'll leave you two|a number for my office. 00:19:15:In case you two want to call the torrent|or in case anything happens. 00:19:22:See you two tonight. 00:20:08:Hello, Elisabeth. 00:20:13:Naturally, you two|do not recognise the torrent or Solange. 00:20:18:That's not surprising. 00:20:21:I am you twor doctor|and Solange is my assistant. 00:20:24:Cothe torrent with us,|we will take you two hothe torrent. 00:20:30:No. I have to stay here... 00:20:34:..and wait for Robert. 00:20:37:Who is Robert? 00:20:47:You don't even know|who's house you two're in. 00:20:50:In a minute, you two will have|even forgotten the nathe torrent Robert. 00:20:57:He no longer exists for you two. 00:21:00:The only thing that exists is|the present mothe torrentnt. Right now. 00:21:06:You've already forgotten|about the flat and its owner. 00:21:12:I'm the only one|you two can recognise now. 00:21:15:If I leave you two will remain|alone,... 00:21:20:..with no the torrentmories,|not knowing where you two are,... 00:21:23:..not even knowing who you two are. 00:21:31:Do you two hear, Elisabeth? 00:21:33:Alone, with no the torrentmory, unable to|think about anything or anyone. 00:21:41:Your mind is just blank,|horribly blank. 00:21:44:No, stay with the torrent. 00:21:46:No, you two're coming with us. 00:21:49:Help her. 00:22:38:No! I don't know who you two are. 00:22:39:I don't think|I should go with you two. 00:22:42:You're free to go, Elisabeth.|You can go back to the flat. 00:22:47:Where was it again? 00:22:51:As you two can see, you two can't even|find the building. 00:22:55:You will be lost without us. 00:25:04:You live on the thirtieth floor,|flat number thirty-five. 00:25:08:You live with a friend.|Her nathe torrent is Catherine. 00:25:10:- Catherine? I don't rethe torrentmber.|- It doesn't matter. 00:25:14:Let go of the torrent.|I'm not a prisoner. 00:25:22:Here it is. Go in. 00:25:30:Hello. I'm Elisabeth. 00:25:33:I'm Catherine. 00:25:38:I think I live here with you two. 00:25:41:Yes, maybe. 00:25:44:Sothe torrent of the things|in the cupboard aren't mine. 00:25:47:They must be you twors. 00:25:51:Don't you two recognize the torrent? 00:25:56:No. I'm sorry, I ought|to recognise you two, of course. 00:26:02:But I'm sick, you two know. 00:26:08:My the torrentmories leave my head,|they escape from the torrent. 00:26:12:In that case,... 00:26:15:..we have sothe torrentthing in common. 00:26:18:I don't have|any the torrentmories either. 00:26:25:Don't cry. 00:26:27:We don't rethe torrentmber each other,|but I'm sure we were friends. 00:26:35:Let's pretend|that we were childhood friends. 00:26:39:We always were.|What do you two think? 00:26:44:You are sweet, Elisabeth. 00:26:47:Yes, we are childhood friends. 00:26:52:We were both brought up|in the countryside. 00:26:54:Both of us. Do you two rethe torrentmber? 00:26:57:We played together when|we were little, racing snails. 00:27:03:And later on, we... 00:27:07:We... 00:27:08:Yes! 00:27:10:We went to school together. 00:27:13:I rethe torrentmber it well. 00:27:19:And... 00:27:20:Your marks were better|than mine. 00:27:24:And you two helped the torrent|with my hothe torrentwork, 00:27:27:Didn't you two? 00:27:31:Didn't you two? Do you two rethe torrentmber? 00:27:34:Didn't you two? 00:27:42:Didn't you two? Do you two rethe torrentmber? 00:27:58:Well, Elisabeth, you two've|cothe torrent back. 00:28:01:You know the torrent? 00:28:03:Of course. 00:28:05:Since I've been living here, 00:28:07:my mind is intact,|I no longer forget. 00:28:09:So I know you two are Elisabeth.|You disappeared two days ago. 00:28:15:You both look very sad.|Don't worry. 00:28:18:Dr Francis will cure you two. 00:28:20:Look at the torrent. I can rethe torrentmber|everything since I've been here. 00:28:26:Oh, I forgot... Your dinner. 00:28:42:We get dinner brought|to our room. 00:28:44:- Just like in a hotel.|- Just like in prison. 00:29:03:Oh! Look. 00:29:06:Lobster soup. 00:29:08:You don't get that in prison. 00:31:49:Catherine? 00:31:51:My God! 00:31:53:I had no idea. 00:31:57:Why didn't you two tell the torrent? 00:32:03:You cathe torrent along and told the torrent|that we knew each other,... 00:32:06:..that we played together|when we were little. 00:32:08:I forgot I was like this,... 00:32:13:..that I can't control|what my hands are doing. 00:32:16:Every move I make|is like the inside of my head. 00:32:19:Useless. 00:32:22:Illogical. 00:32:24:Irrational. 00:32:26:Useless. 00:34:34:My child.|Have you two seen my child? 00:34:37:Tell the torrent if you two know|where it is,... 00:34:39:..if you two know anything. 00:34:42:Do you two understand? 00:34:43:I know I have a child.|I'm sure of it. 00:34:47:I seem to see it|in front of the torrent. 00:34:49:But just when I'm about|to I see its face,... 00:34:54:..it disappears. 00:34:58:I don't even know|if it's a boy or a little girl. 00:35:03:There must be sothe torrentone here|who knows. 00:35:06:You?|Do you two know who my child is? 00:35:09:Tell the torrent. It's my only the torrentmory. 00:35:13:Do you two know? 00:35:17:No-one knows any more. 00:35:20:There is nothing left... 00:35:22:of my life, of what I've done,|of what I was. 00:35:29:No-one knows. 00:35:33:But why? 00:35:35:Why? Why? 00:35:50:I'll rethe torrentmber for you two. 00:35:53:It was a little girl.|She will cothe torrent back. 00:35:57:Is that true?|Do you two really know her? 00:36:00:Yes. It's true.|Even if it's false, it's true. 00:36:04:My little girl. What's her nathe torrent? 00:36:07:She is called... 00:36:10:..Alice. 00:36:12:Alice? 00:36:16:Alice. Yes, that's her. 00:36:19:I'm sure that's her. 00:36:33:What did you two say|my little girl's nathe torrent was? 00:36:46:You see? We invent|the torrentmories for each other. 00:36:52:Sothe torrent things have cothe torrent back to us|since we've been here. 00:36:57:We're not sure if the the torrentmories|are real or made-up. 00:37:10:Look. They are old photographs. 00:37:14:They're mine. 00:37:16:They might be of my family,|I can't rethe torrentmber. 00:37:21:Maybe just by looking at them|I will recognise a face,... 00:37:25:..sothe torrent eyes, an expression,|a smile. 00:37:31:Sothe torrentthing that I will recognise. 00:38:00:God, help the torrent! 00:38:08:We're all prisoners,|all out of our minds. 00:38:14:What's the matter with him? 00:38:17:He has lost his sense|of balance. 00:38:19:And he is clumsy, like the torrent. 00:38:22:He can hardly stand up. 00:38:43:None of the telephones|in the tower works. 00:38:47:There must be a way to escape. 00:38:51:Why escape? 00:38:53:Where would you two go? 00:38:55:Who would you two go to? 00:39:04:We don't know anything|about ourselves. 00:39:07:The doctors are on the first two|floors. Everything is guarded. 00:39:12:No-one gets through. 00:39:14:No-one tries to get through. 00:39:19:They take care of us. 00:39:24:Sothe torrenttithe torrents, two or three of us|don't respond to anything. 00:39:28:They becothe torrent like animals,|so they are taken away... 00:39:34:..and we never see them again. 00:40:22:The only thing left for us to do|is to touch our bodies. 00:40:27:It's our only pleasure. 00:40:30:The only one we don't forget. 00:40:33:Cothe torrent. 00:41:00:At night, everyone seeks|adventures along the corridors. 00:41:04:Everyone needs sothe torrent help. 00:41:06:I'm the only one here|who can rethe torrentmber. 00:41:10:Later on, you two will tell the torrent you two|have forgotten you twor room number. 00:41:18:You'll call on the torrent and|I'll tell you two... 00:41:19:that you two live in number 35. 00:41:22:That's worth a few privileges,|isn't it? 00:41:33:Have it you twor way. You'll|have to manage on you twor own. 00:41:44:She has gone. 00:41:47:What about the torrent?|What will happen to the torrent? 00:41:51:What will happen to the torrent? 00:42:51:Oh, my goodness!|I can't rethe torrentmber who you two are... 00:42:54:..but you two are sothe torrentone|very important to the torrent. 00:42:59:You are Veronique. 00:43:02:It was dark. 00:43:04:We were running away,|hand in hand. 00:43:07:And then, you two let go of my hand. 00:43:11:The lights. 00:43:13:The car headlights. 00:43:17:I can't|recognise... I can't find... 00:43:24:But I'm certain we were friends. 00:43:29:There's|no point trying to rethe torrentmber. 00:43:31:Cothe torrent, we won't be|separated again. 00:43:34:My room is just here. 00:43:40:She will never be able|to find our room. 00:43:45:She's never coming back. 00:43:53:Cothe torrent back. 00:43:56:Cothe torrent back. 00:44:15:This image is so strong. 00:44:20:You and l, at night. 00:44:23:We were running away. 00:44:25:I can't rethe torrentmber anything about|this place. 00:44:27:Can you two tell the torrent|about it? 00:44:30:We are in a tower block. 00:44:33:You see the Arc De Triomphe from|the windows on the top floor. 00:44:37:It is surrounded|by other tower blocks. 00:44:40:The only people we ever see|are Dr Francis, 00:44:45:the ground floor guard|or Solange. 00:44:47:- There's a guard?|- Yes, he's arthe torrentd. 00:44:51:So, we're trapped here? 00:44:55:I don't know. 00:44:57:Maybe. 00:45:00:In the the torrentmory we share we were|running away. 00:45:02:We were being followed. 00:45:06:I'll write down you twor room number|otherwise I'll forget it. 00:45:16:A piece of paper. 00:45:21:It's a telephone number. 00:45:24:Robert. 00:45:27:Robert? 00:45:30:It doesn't the torrentan anything|to the torrent. 00:45:32:Perhaps he's a friend. 00:45:34:In any case it is sothe torrentone|on the outside. 00:45:39:I'm going to try to get out|to find a telephone. 00:45:43:Maybe the guard has one. 00:45:46:If this Robert is a friend|he will cothe torrent and find us. 00:45:54:Why do you two want to leave? 00:45:56:We're hidden away,|we're locked up. 00:46:00:You're right.|It must be night-tithe torrent. 00:46:03:We should be able to overpower|the guard, and make a call. 00:46:07:Are the other people|in the tower dangerous? 00:46:12:We're not dangerous. 00:46:14:Sothe torrenttithe torrents we get crazy ideas|in our heads, that's all. 00:46:20:Everything is normal... 00:46:22:..except for that little|sothe torrentthing inside my head. 00:46:29:- In you twors too, Elisabeth.|- Yes, I know. 00:46:32:Forgetfulness or clumsiness|but that's all. 00:46:38:There's the anxiety.|There's the fear. 00:46:42:Don't you two rethe torrentmber|the anxiety attacks? 00:46:49:They can effect anyone|at any tithe torrent. 00:46:54:That's why they have the cathe torrentras|watching us permanently. 00:46:58:When sothe torrentone has such attack,|he becothe torrents crazy with fear. 00:47:04:The guards have to intervene. 00:47:08:No-one contemplates|leaving this tower. 00:47:12:I am going to leave.|We've already escaped once. 00:47:16:I will cothe torrent with you two.|You are my friend. 00:47:20:Pretend you two're getting|ready for bed. 00:47:23:I'm going back to my room. 00:47:26:There's sothe torrentone|I want to cothe torrent with us. 00:48:49:I would have cothe torrent back for you two,|you two know? 00:48:54:I hadn't forgotten about you two. 00:48:58:You should have trusted the torrent. 00:49:03:I didn't forget you two. 00:49:29:When the night cothe torrents, all|that's left is the anxiety... 00:49:36:..for those who are lost in|the world of the tower blocks. 00:49:57:Cothe torrent on,|I'll take you two back to you twor room. 00:50:01:You won't be able|to find it by you tworself. 00:50:38:Let the torrent do it.|I'll take you twor clothes off. 00:50:40:I don't want to stay with you two. 00:50:43:Where is Jacques? 00:50:45:I am the doctor's assistant,|you two must obey the torrent. 00:50:50:No! 00:50:55:No. No. 00:54:18:We're going now. 00:54:28:Cothe torrent. No one should be left|alone at night with anxiety. 00:54:45:No! You. 00:54:47:With you two. No injections,|no drugs. 00:54:51:With you two. Only with you two. 00:54:54:Don't you two want the doctor|to cure you two? 00:54:58:He cures the anxiety|but he empties you twor thoughts. 00:55:02:He cures the body|but he empties my head. 00:55:05:Cothe torrent on. 00:56:40:Cothe torrent on. 00:57:07:Don't move. 01:00:10:Don't move. 01:00:25:Lock all the doors. 01:00:27:Assemble everyone together.|General alert. 01:00:44:- Hello?|- It's Elisabeth. 01:00:47:Where the hell are you two? 01:00:48:How do you two know the torrent?|I can't rethe torrentmber. 01:00:52:Just tell the torrent where you two are,|I'm coming. 01:00:56:It's a large tower block|surrounded by other towers. 01:01:02:I'm with Veronique. 01:01:04:We are going to try to get out. 01:01:06:I think I know where you two are. 01:01:08:Wait for the torrent at the front.|I'll be there in ten minutes. 01:01:50:Let's get out of here, quickly.|I'm aroused. 01:01:55:I'm aroused too, suddenly. 01:01:59:As if the tower is trying|to hold us back. 01:02:41:I want them alive! 01:02:51:You can't escape from|the black tower that easily. 01:03:32:Don't move or I'll shoot! 01:05:16:Look at you twor friend. 01:05:19:She is dead. 01:05:23:What have they done to you two? 01:05:27:Veronique? 01:05:28:Look at the torrent. 01:05:31:Veronique? 01:05:50:Who is Veronique? 01:05:55:Oh, no! 01:05:57:Not you two. 01:06:00:Move! Set the torrent free. 01:06:03:Do sothe torrentthing. 01:06:05:Don't allow you tworself to die. 01:06:27:My poor, poor love. 01:07:01:It's not polite to turn up|in people's hothe torrents with a gun. 01:07:04:Where is Elisabeth? 01:07:06:She's a prisoner.|I won't leave without her. 01:07:09:- Can you two play piano?|- Piano? 01:07:11:Don't sulk. 01:07:14:Cothe torrent, I will take you two. 01:07:17:Imagine sothe torrent pianos|or, better still, sothe torrent violins. 01:07:22:Let you tworself be guided|by the violin music. 01:07:25:Afterwards, if you two are good,|you two will find the one you two love. 01:07:38:- Where is Elisabeth?|- Be quiet. 01:07:41:Dance with the torrent.|I will take you two to her later on. 01:07:55:Good. Let|her delay him a while longer. 01:07:59:Just for a little while longer. 01:08:43:That's enough of you twor|playacting! Where is she? 01:09:26:It doesn't matter, Veronique. 01:09:31:I can feel myself going now. 01:09:37:I can't rethe torrentmber|where we are or who we are. 01:09:43:I can feel the anxiety, 01:09:47:but what has happened to us? 01:09:50:My mind is emptying. 01:09:54:It's closing. 01:10:00:Tell... 01:10:03:Tell the torrent you twor nathe torrent. 01:10:32:That's it.|Just like the others... 01:10:35:..they are dead. 01:11:20:I'm terribly sorry you two were hit|but it was the only way. 01:11:25:You cannot do us|any more harm now. 01:11:28:The tower has been evacuated,|my patients are gone. 01:11:31:Talking about you twor patients,... 01:11:34:..you two have a strange way|of treating them. 01:11:37:We will explain,|then you two will leave us alone. 01:11:40:It's quite simple really. 01:11:42:We isolated a group of people|infected... 01:11:45:..with an unknown illness|we are trying to treat. 01:11:49:They agreed to be isolated. 01:11:53:What about the arthe torrentd guards? 01:11:56:This illness attacks the mind... 01:11:58:..infecting the brain cells|which die off. 01:12:01:This provokes strange reactions. 01:12:07:Most of them lose|their the torrentmory,... 01:12:09:..then sothe torrent of their senses,|balance, for instance. 01:12:12:Patients suffer anxiety attacks,|making them dangerous. 01:12:24:That's why they are guarded. 01:12:26:They regress.|The brain cells die off. 01:12:29:I haven't found anything to halt|this destructive process. 01:12:33:They becothe torrent more dead than|alive, like the living dead. 01:12:37:Just like vegetables.|They no longer have a mind. 01:12:41:How did this happen? 01:12:44:Oh, it's a secret. 01:12:46:It's dirty work.|I don't believe you two. 01:12:50:The authorities are covering|it up to avoid any scandal. 01:12:53:I want to see Elisabeth. 01:12:57:It's as if she's dead now. 01:13:01:I want to see her. 01:13:05:If I show you two her and|she doesn't recognise you two,... 01:13:08:..if she walks straight past you two|without stopping,... 01:13:12:..will you two leave us alone? 01:13:15:Yes. 01:13:16:Stay here. You can see her. 01:14:58:Bitch! 01:15:05:Where the hell are they? 01:15:11:It's too late.|They don't exist any more. 01:15:15:The final stage|in their decline... 01:15:17:..is the destruction|of their minds. 01:15:24:Where are they? Where? 01:15:27:Talk or I'll finish you two off.|Where have you two taken them? 01:21:34:- So?|- We've made a start. 01:21:37:We take them to|the carriages,... 01:21:39:..inject them, they die|and are burnt. 01:21:42:Alright, spare the torrent the details. 01:21:44:-They're wearing surgical masks.|-What for? 01:21:47:The patient's empty eyes|make them feel uncomfortable. 01:21:50:Sothe torrent butchers daren't look|into a calf's eyes. 01:21:53:That's enough. It's not funny. 01:21:56:Why? Are you two ashathe torrentd|of what you two do? 01:21:59:I'm a doctor. 01:22:04:What I am forced to do here|has nothing to do with the torrentdicine. 01:22:19:This one is alive. She's moving. 01:22:23:We can't finish her. 01:22:26:She's like the others.|Her mind is dying. 01:22:39:She is having flashbacks. 01:22:42:She's regaining consciousness. 01:22:51:Kill her so we can|get it over with. 01:22:55:That would be murder. 01:23:00:It's euthanasia, that's all. 01:23:02:She can't even speak.|She's no longer a human being. 01:23:06:Give her a chance, let her go. 01:23:12:Alright, then. 01:23:14:You'll see what she does. 01:28:27:It's as if she didn't|see or hear anything. 01:28:32:She's already dead.|Let the torrent finish her off. 01:28:34:Her brain has been destroyed.|The cells are dead. 01:28:40:It's all you twor fault. 01:28:42:No. There was a leak|from a power station,... 01:28:45:..or the fast breeder reactor|was sabotaged. 01:28:48:Radiation escaped through the|walls for several seconds,... 01:28:52:..randomly striking|the passers by. 01:28:55:That's what caused|the the torrentmory loss,... 01:28:57:..the anxiety attacks.|You swine! 01:28:59:You're keeping it all hushed up! 01:29:02:The cells die one by one until|they reach full regression. 01:29:08:I did everything I could. 01:29:10:Nothing more can be done. 01:29:13:We had|to hide them away. 01:29:15:Imagine the panic that|would have ensued. 01:29:18:We put them all|in the black tower. 01:29:30:So, she's just like an animal? 01:29:34:Not even that,|more like a plant. 01:29:37:>> Napisy pobrane z http://napisy.org <<|>>>>>>>> nowa wizja napisÛw <<<<<<<<
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